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Why CryspIQ?

Run your Business from a Single Source of Truth using CryspIQ

Some of key features that are provided.

Easy To Use

Easy To Use

Use natural language to build your queries and access your data without having to understand the source.

Protect your Data

Protect your Data

Protect and secure your Data with seamless Active Directory integration using existing security groups.

Unlimited Sources

Unlimited Sources

Build single source of truth for you business by loading all your business data in a single place.

Improve Data Quality

Improve Data Quality

Build your own Data quality rules and methods with early issue detection with near real-time monitoring.

Build Data Science

Build Data Science

Build your Data Science capability with a solid foundation and carefully prepared good quality Data.

Workflow Triggers

Workflow Triggers

Build triggers with Data from production control systems (OT) and other technologies (IT).